Sunday, June 29, 2008

In search of sense.

Ability to see the validity such what it is, is closely connected with the second major component of internal force - ability even during the hardest times to find sense that occurs. Any of us had to meet people who, having got to a trouble, upraise hands to the sky and question: «As such could happen with me?» Such people consider themselves as victims and do not take lessons from the gone through tests. At the same time people from high internal force find a constructive element in the sufferings and by that fill with the maintenance the life and a life of associates.

According to the majority of the researchers, similar "creation" of sense - a way with which help durable people construct bridges between the present with its burdens and deprivations and fuller, happy future. Such bridges help to cope with difficulties, not allowing them to break itself. This thought was perfectly formulated by the Austrian psychiatrist, former prisoner Osventsima, Victor Frankl. In the conditions of inhuman mockeries and sufferings he has thought up «treatment by sense» - a humanistic technique which helps people to make the decisions giving the importance of their life.

In the book «the Person in search of sense» Victor Frankl has described turning point of the life in a concentration camp with which the invention of "treatment by sense» has been connected. Once, going for work, Frankl tried to solve, whether to change last cigarette on a soup flat dish. Him disturbed, that it is necessary to work under supervision of the new supervisor known for especially refined sadism. The melancholy and disgust have captured it from thought, and senseless his life became how much empty. Frankl has realised, that to survive, it needs to find any purpose. And it has made it, having presented, as after war lectures about psychology of a camp life to inform to people that, through what to it was necessary to pass. And though Frankl has not been assured at all, that it will manage to survive, it has put before itself some specific targets. Having arrived thus, Frankl has managed to rise over the sufferings. In the book he writes: « Never it is necessary to forget, that the meaning of the life can be found even in the most desperate situation, when it is impossible to make anything to change the destiny ».

Theory Frankls is taken as a principle the majority of the modern programs devoted internal force of business.

So far as ability to find sense so is important for internal force, it is no wonder, that the most successful organisations and individuals possess distinct system of fundamental values. Their presence fills existence by sense as they help to comprehend and supervise an event. Hardly it is possible to consider casual that circumstance, that the most durable organisation in the world has appeared the Catholic church which exists more than 2000 and could go through wars, decline and heresies, in many respects thanks to system of immutable values. The commercial organisations, differing longevity, also have the certain arch of principles; the purpose of their activity is not reduced only to earning money.

The systems of values accepted in the durable companies, do not undergo essential changes by years, and during hard times they serve the organisation as a support. It is not necessary to mix, however, religious visions of words of "value", "credo" or "prime target" with that substantial filling which these words receive in each concrete case. The company can profess rather disputable values from the ethical point of view and thus to be exclusively viable. We will recollect at least Phillip Morris, showing amazing жизнестойкость even in the conditions of growing unpopularity. As marks, at Phillip Morris there was extremely steady system of values, let even someone and does not divide them, - for example a principle of "a mature choice». However there are no doubts that the company top management firmly trusts in these principles and this belief allocates Phillip Morris from a general series of other tobacco companies. Thereupon pertinently to notice, that from the point of view of morals internal force it is impossible to consider neither as positive, nor as negative quality. It only ability not to be broken in stressful and quickly varying conditions of existence. As Victor Frankl wrote, «only those who after many months of wanderings on camps has ceased to show scrupulousness in struggle for a life as a whole could survive; they were ready to go on any means - fair and not so, and at times and frankly severe... To rescue itself. We who has managed therefrom to return... We know: best of us remained there for ever».

Values, positive or negative, are actually more significant for internal force of the organisation, than presence in staff of hardy people. If capable employees to adaptation differently interpret surrounding validity, their decisions quite can contradict each other, that quite often calls into question into an organisation survival. If weakness of the company becomes obvious, the most flexible employees is more likely left it, than will threaten own well-being.

Ability to accept the validity such what it is.

It is accepted to think, that roots of internal force lay in an optimistical sight at the world. It so but only on condition that such optimism does not lead to the deformed perception of a reality. The sight through pink glasses in an extreme situation can provoke the present accident. Durable people differ very sober and pragmatic relation to those aspects of the validity on which the survival depends. It does not mean at all, that optimism never brings advantage; for example, having inhaled in the demoralised trading personnel belief in possibility of the future achievements, it is possible to lift its working spirit essentially. However in more difficult situations it is much more important to keep cold, adjoining with pessimistic a sight at things.

You, probably, wonder: whether «Really I understand - and I accept - that position in which I am? Whether understands and whether its my organisation accepts?» It is very useful questions, especially if to consider, that, according to scientific researches, the majority of people tear away the undesirable information, trying to cope with a situation. To face the facts, not embellishing them, hardly. Really, it can be unpleasant and is sometimes painful. All the matter is that when we rather attentively peer at world around we prepare themselves for such behaviour which will allow us to go through the extraordinariest situations. We study to survive still before in it there is a necessity

Secrets of internal force.

Why one people struggles of life to bend are not capable, and others run because of them into full despair? At all abundance of the theories explaining secrets of internal force, similar, there are three main qualities allocating people and the companies which are able to adapt quickly, among the others. Presence one or two of them helps to recover after this or that vital failure, but true stability demands all three.
The first is an ability to see and accept the validity such what it is. Attentively peering into world around, we prepare ourselves for operating with such ways which troubles will allow us to go through easier. We study to survive still before in it there is a necessity.
The second ability which well adapting organisations and people possess, - ability to find sense in various aspects of life. Adherence to certain values is not less important also; in the unsinkable companies the system of values does not undergo essential changes throughout long time and during heavy times becomes for them a reliable support.
The third component of survivability is connected with ability to improvise. Art to find unusual or unevident methods of the decision of problems, not being beyond own possibilities or corporate rules, gives to its owner huge advantages.
All of us repeatedly happened witnesses of similar scenes: someone cannot believe again in the forces, having lost work, someone runs into a condition of permanent depression and for some years is unsettled after painful divorce. All of us would like to know the answer to one question. Why? In what a secret of this stability helping the person to overcome a hardship and supporting it afloat at rough ocean of a life? Why one people and the companies break under cargo of struggles of life, and others bend, but finally are straightened?
In the majority of theories with which I had to familiarise during my research, there is a rational grain. Thus I managed to notice, that practically all of them converge in three points. As them affirms, that durable people possess three important qualities. They are able to accept the validity such what it is; they are deeply convinced, that our life makes sense (a basis for this conviction often gives adherence to those or other values); they differ uncommon ability to improvise and find not trivial decisions. Presence one or two of these qualities will help you to recover after this or that vital failure, but truly high viability demands all three characteristics. This statement is fair and concerning the whole organisations. We will consider each of the listed qualities more in detail.
Ability to accept the validity such what it is
It is accepted to think, that roots of internal force lay in an optimistical sight at the world. It so but only on condition that such optimism does not lead to the deformed perception of a reality. The sight through pink glasses in an extreme situation can provoke the present accident. Durable people differ very sober and pragmatic relation to those aspects of the validity on which the survival depends. It does not mean at all, that optimism never brings advantage; for example, having inhaled in the demoralised trading personnel belief in possibility of the future achievements, it is possible to lift its working spirit essentially. However in more difficult situations it is much more important to keep cold, adjoining with pessimistic a sight at things.
You, probably, wonder: whether «Really I understand - and I accept - that position in which I am? Whether understands and whether its my organisation accepts?» It is very useful questions, especially if to consider, that, according to scientific researches, the majority of people tear away the undesirable information, trying to cope with a situation. To face the facts, not embellishing them, hardly. Really, it can be unpleasant and is sometimes painful. All the matter is that when we rather attentively peer at world around we prepare themselves for such behaviour which will allow us to go through the extraordinariest situations. We study to survive still before in it there is a necessity.

Conditions of perfection and professional self-development.

Self-development of the manager is a process of the realised purposeful development of as head who includes independent perfection of the knowledge, abilities, personal and functional qualities, the competence in whole, providing efficiency of professional work. The given process represents unity of following components:

* personal development (personal growth);
* intellectual development;
* professional (qualifying) development;
* maintenance of a physical condition (improvement).

In the practical plan about professional development of the person speak when its level skill not simply somehow changes, and raises 10 times. Why one people have such changes, and at others are not present?

Professional self-development is not the mass and even not typical phenomenon because not all possess qualities which are necessary for purposeful work on self. Self-development occurs only at those who possesses necessary qualities, main from which are:

* internal motivation on professional problems, achievement of high results in their decision and motivation on itself;
* ability to self-development;
* understanding of the maintenance and methodical bases of self-development.

Efficiency of self-development of the manager depends and on external factors:

* organizational and socially-psychological conditions of professional work, in wider context - from corporate culture of the enterprise;
* availability to it of modern information systems, and also readiness to work with them;
* methodical maintenance of conditions of professional development.

Thus, that the manager was engaged in self-development, it is necessary, that at it were:

1. Internal motivation of professional work;
2. Ability to self-development.

Are thus necessary certain level of literacy of the manager in questions and self-development methods, and also presence of the specified external organizational-methodical conditions.

It is necessary to notice, that there can not be a self-development without aspiration to carry out the office functions effectively and qualitatively. Therefore the first diagnostic sign of the spontaneous manager is its relation to work.

Motivation on professional development. Level of activity of professional development is defined by structure of motives of labour activity of the manager. If internal motives take dominating positions in this structure or, even better, one of them is leading motive it provides motivation of the manager on self-development. If leading motive is one of external motives and in structure of motivation of the manager on positions dominating there are no internal motives, it is possible to speak about absence of motivation on professional self-development, self-improvement.

Formation of motives and change of structure of motivation of professional work - process difficult and long. Therefore it is impossible to generate quickly at the manager motivation on self-development if it is not present in structure of its motives. Presence of the given motivation is one of the main professional qualities of the manager capable independently to promote and become successful in process of transformations.

Abilities to self-development. Development of the person of the manager occurs thanks to a variety of kinds of its activity and interaction to other people. But most actively it occurs when versatile professionalism is supplemented with purposeful self-development. Abilities to self-development the same as also motivation on it, all managers possess far not. However unlike motivation ability to self-development can be generated and developed quickly enough.

The basis of ability to self-development is made by abilities:

* to see the lacks and restrictions;
* to analyze their reasons in own activity;
* critically to estimate results of the work, and not only failure, but also especially successes.

The given abilities are simple and clear, but not all managers possess them in a sufficient measure, and to generate them independently difficult. Therefore for creation of preconditions of self-development to the manager the special training which volume is individual for everyone is necessary to pass.

Ignoring of development of managers, characteristic for the domestic enterprises, leads to that abilities to professional self-improvement of the majority of heads pass a long way of natural maturing.

Presence of motivation and ability to self-development testifies that the manager does not require any more external guardianship of the professional growth. He is capable to make the maximum efforts completely to realise the internal potential of professional development and to reach the successes corresponding to it.

Only the competent manager in these questions can estimate real possibilities and choose a correct direction of the development. Possibilities are reflected in problems of development which the manager puts before itself. Problems can be real or unreal. Real they appear when correspond to achievements available to the given moment. We will admit, the manager costs on the fifth step of a ladder of the professional development. For it the following step on the sixth step or even on the seventh (is quite real at not ordinary abilities and superefforts). If the manager, being on the fifth step, thinks, that it on the seventh, and tries to step at once on the tenth it testifies about unreal its actions. For example, not owning effective communicative skills, he cannot learn to organise and effectively to operate group activity. Such manager does not understand the real possibilities. Inadequate estimation of the professional and human qualities - a way to a neurosis, instead of to success in professional growth.

In the substantial plan there are three directions of professional development.

The first - formation of abilities and qualities which at the manager are not present but which are necessary for it. It, of course, the difficult problem, and without the aid of advisers, and its trainers not to solve teachers. But the organised efforts in this direction of self-development can give the most appreciable effect.

The second - development of available positive abilities and qualities which can be strengthened if them to improve purposefully. It most an easy problem which with success is solved by many managers without the external help, of course, from those who realises it.

The third - elimination of lacks and the restrictions reducing efficiency of activity of the manager and stirring professional growth. It is rather difficult problem, the help of trainers and advisers is necessary for its decision for the majority of managers.

The self-development way when the manager works over itself at once in three directions is theoretically most effective. But in practice such way to carry out it is impossible. Work in any of these directions is difficult and psychologically difficult problem.

Perfection conditions

If to ask a question to the director of any enterprise about conditions for self-development of managers most likely it is possible to hear in the answer: «And unless special conditions are for this purpose necessary? After all this self-development. Who wants, that and is engaged. To be improved, training apparatus, a sports hall or any equipment are not necessary to the manager. He can be engaged in it at home in an armchair, on a sofa or on work behind a table». Actually, of course, all is not so simply. For self-development are necessary both certain conditions, and certain resources. Two most important groups of conditions concern cultural and personal which are to a certain extent interconnected.

Condition 1. The organizational culture in the form of the developed traditions, norms and valuable orientations can stimulate and support the initiative of workers in self-improvement, and can to block it completely, on the contrary. For example, to the first, and the innovative culture concerns the second - bureaucratic.

Condition 2. Bosses can be an example of the spontaneous innovator, and also an example of the cautious conservative. Dominating style of a management of the company plays exclusively important role in this question. If it stimulates participation of managers in discussion of problems of the enterprise, supports the initiative, shows interest in personnel attraction to the decision of actual problems, essentially does not reject risk and does not object to criticism of a traditional order, the favorable moral and psychological environment for self-development is created.

For the decision of the given problem it is important to any manager to have some resources also.

The first of them - time for employment by self-development. The second resource - access to the information. The third resource - methodical security of industrial conditions, i.e. A set of actions, uchebno-training technologies and training programs which the manager can use for the professional development. It is a question not about obligatory for all actions or courses of improvement of qualification, and of programs which are offered interested workers of the company. The manager who is engaged in self-improvement, chooses from an offered set only that considers for itself useful and necessary that corresponds to its requirements and plans of professional growth.

Creation of conditions and resources for self-development, of course, demands defined, sometimes considerable, financial expenses. For the heads, inclined to save on the personnel, it is necessary to notice, that the company in which there are spontaneous managers, has serious potential of growth; the company in which the quantity of such managers constantly increases, is perspective; the company in which the majority of managers is engaged in self-improvement, is already trained organisation. Therefore creation of organizational conditions and resources for self-development of managers represents the effective form of investment of the company in own development.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Overcoming of psychological pressure.

Psychological pressure (PP) - the special mental condition arising in heavy, unusual conditions for mentality, demanding reorganisation of all adaptable system of an organism. Distinguish four degrees of condition PP.

1. The first degree is characterised by attention improvement, mobilisation. Physical possibilities of an organism, working capacity raise both mental, and. Stability of an organism to action of adverse factors raises.

At the initial stage of work on the important and interesting purpose you PP will be, possibly, within the limits of the first degree. Process of work on a problem completely absorbs you. Working hours fly quickly and imperceptibly. It is filled by set of important issues which give to you pleasure. You seldom feel hunger and have a bite, usually, "on the move". You try to spend on work of more time, do not hasten home.

Use this period of increase of working capacity, trying to make it is a lot of affairs. Also do not forget to have a rest, well get enough sleep and eat.

2. The second degree of pressure is characteristic for situations when level of mobilisation of the reserves, typical for the first degree, is insufficient. Physiological shifts and mentality changes here are already more expressed. Physiological processes are reconstructed so that to provide to an organism possibility to solve more a challenge. Organism power resources will be mobilised practically completely.

Work all as gives to you pleasure, but you began to notice, that from time to time the head is ill you, the periods of decrease in appetite alternate with the periods of sharp hunger. Relatives notice, that at you a little tired kind, and you understand, that you need to have a rest and be restored a little.

Pay attention to the state of health. Try to do more often breaks in work. In the conditions of office are two hours of productive work, then a break lasting half an hour. Perfectly, if you can spend these minutes on fresh air. Remember that the best rest is a change of kinds of activity. Do not abuse tea, coffee, cigarettes. Use healthy easy food. Take vitamins. Air a premise is more often.

3. Third degree PP arises, when the situation is insuperable. Sharply decrease intellectual and organism power resources, immunity falls.

Process of work on the project is tightened. You notice, that it is difficult to you to concentrate, concentrate attention, something to remember. Personal lines which stir to productive dialogue are shown and which you earlier successfully hid (shyness, indecision), become aggravated chronic diseases.

It is necessary to give a respite to nervous system, to refuse for a while the problem decision. If it is possible, take one-two day off and spend them with the maximum pleasure for itself. Disconnect a mobile phone. Go on fishing, on hunting or to a country house, descend in park. If anything to do it would not be desirable, simply sleep off and is more often air a premise. For a while forget about work, anything such irreparable for your absence there does not happen.

If to take the day off it is impossible, work these days with the least pressure. Colleagues with whom you carry out a common cause, warn about the condition that they for a while tried to do without you. Remember that productive work in such condition at you it will not turn out, that is why do not direct the energies to important issues. Be engaged in that does not demand intense efforts (probably, it will be simple paper work). In time leave for a dinner and finish the working day. Drink more liquids (juice, mineral негазированная).

4. At last, if the urgency of the problem demanding the decision, does not decrease, and possibilities of its decision do not arise, there comes the fourth degree of mental pressure. Its result - a neurosis which demands treatment within the limits of specialised clinic.

Level and degree of psychological pressure is separated depending on various conditions, in particular, from resources which the organism has. At physically and psychologically trained people even in extreme situations the higher degrees of mental pressure arise seldom.

Characterising development of mental pressure in the workers occupied with preparation of any project, we will notice, that mental pressure arises both at the work initial stage, and at a final stage (project delivery, its presentation). But on an orientation and the maintenance they differ. Pressure in preparation is connected mainly with activity process, with necessity to maintain more and more increasing mental loading. In extreme conditions of presentation of the project to it the mental pressure defined by aspiration to achievement of result is added.

The condition of mental pressure if it is not presented by the third and fourth stages, is the factor positive, reflecting activization of all functions and the systems of an organism harmoniously joining in activity and providing its high efficiency. However high and long pressure can make negative impact both on an organism, and on a mental condition.

Long hard work results in a mental overstrain. In the conditions of the modern enterprises this mode is used in increasing frequency as at ultrahigh level of industrial achievements only it provides a considerable gain of results. To the heads focusing employees for work in conditions, causing a condition of a mental overstrain, it is necessary to remember that such mode can be effective only short time. The mental and physical exhaustion arises extremely quickly, after all the organism works on deterioration.

Regulation of stressful conditions and mental overstrain

For the control and regulation of mental conditions, including a condition of a mental overstrain, you can use following receptions:

1. A derivation method.

2. A self-order method.

3. A method of regulation of breath.

4. A method of a concentration of attention.

5. A method of a muscular relaxation.

1. A method derivation method in any switching of attention from one object on another. Mastering by it is necessary for persons in whom hard work conditions cause notions of compulsion, negative emotions or excessive emotional excitation. Each worker should bring up at itself ability for some time any way to distract from process of work and the negative emotions connected with it and to focus thoughts to any extraneous theme.

Exercise 1. Put aside all papers and the subjects concerning work.

The first variant. Look at something, that is not connected with your task, for example, look in a window and find a tree which is pleasant to you. Attentively look at it. Try to guess its height. Pay attention to its trunk, branches. Count large branches. Find bends which to you are especially nice. Pay attention to colour of a bark, foliage. Find as much as possible shades. Notice, in what party the wind as strongly it swings branches blows. Look, what birds sit on tree branches. Try to define their name. Observe of a tree so long as you want (it it is recommended not less than 5 minutes). Pay attention to that, on what never turned earlier. Try to remember it. Fill itself with calmness and force; remember these sensations. Difficult minutes you can present this tree, again see it before the mind and thus remove stressful stress.

The second variant. Close eyes and plunge in acoustical sensations. If it is possible, include pleasant, quiet music. If such possibility is not present, try to listen attentively that occurs round you. Listen attentively to the general rumble of sounds and try to allocate from it some streams: it trees rustle, cars go, sing birds, children laugh, adults etc. talk Or: I hear, how the printer works, the coffee maker rustles, in a washstand have included water, someone goes on heels, and someone silently whispers... Some minutes listen to others, and then pay attention to itself. Stir shoulders, listen, as the clothes rustle and your armchair creaks. Address to breath. Breathe exactly, deeply and easy. Fill the lungs with fresh air. Be filled with force and energy.

The third variant. Take in hands any small subject, close eyes and plunge in tactile (connected with touches) sensations. Weigh a subject at first in left, then in the right hand. Try to define its weight. Will feel material density of which the subject is made, its temperature. Take a subject on an open palm, take for a drive on a palm other hand, take its several fingers. An index finger lead round a subject on a surface. Will feel all roughnesses, cambers and hollows. Feel, as the pattern on a subject surface varies. If it is possible, try to guess law. Spend in a subject a nail. Touch its little finger. Whether sensations have changed? Repeat manipulations with other hand. Put a subject to the cheek, then to a forehead. Feel it there. Try to change something in a subject (remove a cap at the handle, some times slightly compress a stapler, bend a ruler etc.) . Again take a subject on an open palm. Open eyes and look at it. You have learnt about this subject a lot of new, isn't that so?

2. The self-order method consists in conscious prompting of to performance of very difficult and difficult actions, in creation of inwardness of confidence that these actions will be executed. The self-order formula has verbal expression. You say (sometimes repeatedly) a phrase in which express your ability to overcome this or that psychological difficulty. Usually it becomes about itself or in a low voice, sometimes aloud. For example, so: «I can make... I overcome».

It is important to repeat a similar phrase mentally, instead of mechanically, distinctly representing its maintenance. The concrete self-order is said on its own behalf («I can...», instead of «it can be made...») as it is direct during the stressful moments, and during other time.

Learn to repeat the formula of the self-order with feeling of a self-trust. If the important event is necessary to you, start to work with the formula some days prior to it, instead of it is direct in day of this event.

3. The method of regulation of breath consists in repetition of combinations of a deep breath with the subsequent long exhalation. Correctly put belly breath involves in the respiratory certificate all lungs, increasing the capacity usually involved in breath; improves saturation of blood by oxygen. The moving diaphragm masses bodies of a belly cavity, first of all, a liver, recovering its blood supply. The quiet ordered breath promotes emotional alignment.

Your respiratory activity is influenced by set of factors, for example, gas structure of blood and a mental condition. Breath - the excellent indicator of changes of an emotional condition of the person. Recollect, how your breath when you are uneasy as falteringly you breathe when of something be afraid becomes frequent. Minutes of rest you breathe exactly and deeply.

Exercise 1. Check up, how depth and frequency of breath influence your condition.

1. Breathe quickly and often, as the runner after jog. Try to breathe superficially, a breast. For one second make both a breath, and an exhalation. Duration - 20-30 seconds. Now compare your state of health before exercise and after it. You will feel certain nervous excitation.

2. Straighten shoulders and breathe slowly and deeply. Into the account «time, two, three, four» - a breath, on «time, two, three, four, five» - an exhalation. The exhalation - is longer. Cycle a loop a breath-exhalation about five times and again pay attention to the state of health. You feel much more calmness and a relaxation, isn't that so?

3. And now recollect, how you breathe at muscular effort, for example, at weight lifting: you type air in lungs, hold the breath and then move a heavy case or a chair, isn't that so? As a whole, the breath phase is strengthening, a phase an exhalation - calming. Accordingly, allocate calming ("evening") and strengthening ("morning") breath.

The effect amplifies, if you breathe correctly. Irrespective of breath type (morning or evening), it should remain belly, instead of chest.

4. The method of a concentration of attention allows to bring up ability in important points to remain alone with itself and a subject of the activity - a concrete question or a problem.

At a brain simultaneously there can not be two large objects of attention. One of them invariably draws to itself all nervous activity. In this connection the answer to a question on how to concentrate attention to the necessary object, it is simple enough - be able to supersede unnecessary, replacing its necessary, and do so that necessary became for you interesting.

Exercise 1. Offered exercise is aimed at learning to see as much as possible variants, to notice unusual in usual, to develop creative abilities and, by itself, to develop attention to a subject which becomes to you interesting. In writing answer a question: «What for it is necessary to learn poems?» Write down all variants of the answer which come to to you mind, let even absolutely unusual and fantastic. So:

1. To develop the memory, figurative thinking, attention.

2. That without problems to find the citation to this or that event or the phenomenon.

3. To make impression on surrounding with the mind and erudition.

4. To train oratorical abilities, reciting poems aloud.

5. That was than to occupy a free time.

6. That, remembering poems to distract from all the rest (etc.).

Continue exercise, having chosen any other question, for example:

* What for it is necessary to do cleaning?

* What for it is necessary to supervise project performance?

* What pluses of negative emotions?

You will notice, that, first, write much more answers, than assumed, having begun exercise. Secondly, will start to liberate the cogitative activity. And, thirdly, pay attention what even uninteresting, boring affairs can appear necessary and useful.

Exercise 2. Look at a simple subject, for example, an ordinary chessboard without figures on it. Easier to stare at it to you will bore later one-two minutes. But look differently: note black squares on a white background, then - white on black. Mentally narrow a board till the sizes of a sheet of paper, then let it becomes the area in square metre (length - one metre, width - one metre).

All secret in managing to prompt itself the new, unexpected point of view. Thus you can train concentration attention to any simple enough subject: a glass glass, a chair in minimalist style, a flowerpot. Examine a subject again and again, aspiring to find in it it is as much as possible details and not taking away a sight (to blink it is possible).

Duration of exercise - 3-5 minutes. Do exercise until learn to keep rather easily attention to a subject.

Concentration of attention on more difficult subjects or actions is a business of constant trainings and carrying over of available skills on other situations. You pleasantly are surprised, when after a while can check without effort the report dazzling with numbers of figures, or will notice changes in a mimicry of workers which you have caused on meeting.

5. The method of a muscular relaxation promotes removal not only mental, but also physical pressure. Its purpose - to cause heavy feeling and warmth in certain groups of muscles or finitenesses (feet, hands). Warmth and weight characterise slackness and calmness.

Exercise 1. Be arranged more conveniently, for example, in a bed before a dream, take care, that to you nobody stirred, close eyes and start to master the exercise, which purpose - to cause heavy feeling in feet and hands.

Adjust quiet, moderate, "evening" breath without the account. Present, that your right hand becomes heavy. Mentally speak to itself (dots mean pauses): «My right hand gradually grows heavy... It pleasantly presses on a blanket... Each finger Grows heavy... There is heavy a palm... This pleasant heavy feeling in the right hand... The Right hand becomes absolutely heavy».

Then under the same formula present, that the left hand grows heavy. At last, both hands heavy... As for feet. The definitive formula: «Hands and feet absolutely heavy».

If to cause heavy feeling at once it is impossible, appear, that to each finger at you on hands are adhered small weights, weights lays and on a palm more. Or lower a hand from a bed, drop it and feel, what sensations arise. It also is desirable effect of weight. Then start exercise.

If there are difficulties with a call of sensation of warmth and weight by means of self-order formulas, use exercise with visions. Carry out it slowly, carefully representing all the images long and making necessary actions.

Exercise 2. Present, that you in each hand hold on a lemon. Start to squeeze out juice of lemons, feeling strong pressure in each hand. Having squeezed out all juice, it is possible to throw out and take them new lemons, after all juice should suffice on the whole glass. Second time we press lemons even more strongly, and it is thrown them slowly. It is important to feel thus a difference between the intense and weakened hand. Taking lemons in third time, we try not to leave in them juice drops, and only after that slowly we weaken hands and it is thrown imagined lemons.

Now we weaken hands and shoulders. Present itself a fluffy lazy cat who very much likes to stretch. Hands it is extended forward, then upwards, we feel pressure in shoulders when we lift hands as it is possible above and as it is possible further it is taken away them back.

Relaxation of all body. Present itself a small turtle which has easy a rest about water under the warm sun. Full calmness and safety. But when danger comes nearer, a small turtle at once involves a head and finitenesses in an armour. As a small turtle involve a head and shoulders, and hands and feet pick up as it is possible more close to a trunk.

Sit some time in such pose. But here danger passed. And a small turtle can relax and have a rest again about water under the warm sun. Can relax and accept a convenient pose for rest.

Ways of removal of psychological pressure.

Conflicts often generate such emotional condition in which it is difficult to think, do conclusions, to approach creatively to the problem permission. At the permission of a conflict situation adhere to following rules.

1. Remember that in the conflict at the person the reason dominates not, and emotion that conducts to affect when the consciousness is simply disconnected, and the person is not responsible for the words and acts for which subsequently happens is insulting and it is inconvenient. Therefore from business dialogue it is necessary to eliminate judgments and the estimations, derogating from advantage of the interlocutors, patronizing judgments and estimations, the ironical remarks stated with feeling of badly latent superiority or neglect.

2. Aspire to a valid manner of conversation. Such phrases as «I Ask to excuse», I "Will be very grateful", «If it does not complicate you», interfere with formation at the opponent of internal resistance, remove negative emotions.

3. Aspire to conduct discussion not concerning positions occupied with the parties, and on the substance of a problem, being based on objective criteria. Try to listen to the interlocutor, as ability to listen - one of criteria of skill to communicate.

4. Adhere to the multialternative approach and, insisting on the offer, do not reject the partner offer, ask itself a question «is better And unless I never am mistaken» Try to listen to both offers and look, they will bring what sum of benefits and losses in the near future and then.

5. Realize the importance of the resolution of conflict for itself, having asked a question «That will be, if the exit is not found» It will allow to transfer the centre of gravity from relations on a problem.

6. If you and your interlocutor Irritation also are aggressive, it is necessary to lower internal pressure, to "exhaust". But to be discharged on associates is not an exit, and a trick. But if so it has turned out, that have lost the control over itself, try to make the only thing: become silent; instead of demand it from the partner. Avoid ascertaining of negative emotional conditions of the partner.

7. Suggest the interlocutor to rise on your place and ask: «If you were on my place that you would make?» It removes a critical spirit and switches the interlocutor from emotions to judgment.

8. Do not exaggerate the merits and do not show superiority signs. Do not accuse and do not attribute only to the partner responsibility for the arisen situation.

9. Irrespective of results of resolution of conflicts try not to destroy the relation.

Many researches are spent to psychology on studying of possibilities of individual and group psycho correction of disputed behavior. We will result some of methods, receptions thanks to which it is possible to remove stress, to be released from irritation and anger.

Switching on other kind of activity - it is connected with the impellent activity demanding physical pressure thanks to which adrenaline is burnt. So, if be on work, be engaged in activity any kind: touch papers; water flowers; make tea; rearrange a table; pass some times in fast rate on a corridor; come into a toilet room and take 4 5 minutes of a hand under cold water; approach to a window and look at the sky, trees. If be houses try to leave on the street and to run about or resemble in fast rate of 10-15 minutes; take a contrast shower; wash up accumulated ware. Try to practice the given method as it is possible is more often during those moments when feel that lose self-checking. Then the given way will become at you a habit. Besides, try at least once a week to be engaged in business which pleases you, calms and brings satisfaction.

Visualization - mentally express the feelings and experiences or something make to the person who has caused negative reaction. It is comprehensible, if cannot give vent to the irritation, for example, on the head or if assume, that your anger only will worsen and without that an intense situation. As a result will achieve clearing of anger, anything thus not risking.

"Grounding" - present: the anger is included into you from the opponent as a bunch of negative energy. Then imagine, as this energy is released in feet and freely leaves in the earth.

«Reduction of the opponent in growth» - imagine, that during dialogue your opponent so decreases in growth that its voice thus all turns to a dirt lump in which can come, and becomes weaker and weaker. As a result it will seem less considerable and influential.

"Mood" - take color felt-tip pens or pencils and the weakened left hand start to draw any drawing: lines, stains, figures, etc. Try to plunge completely into the experiences, i.e. to choose and spend lines according to the mood, as though materializing on a paper the experiences. Having sketched all sheet of paper, turn it and on an underside write 8-10 words reflecting your mood (experience). Write those words which the first occur. Then once again look at drawing, as though anew worrying the condition, re-read words and it is vigorous, with pleasure break off it, crumple scraps and throw out in a garbage can. Together with the thrown out drawing you get rid of bad mood and find calm.

«The internal beam» - a method can be used at an initial stage of irritation when self-checking infringement comes, psychological contact in dialogue disappears, and there is alienation. For its performance it is necessary to relax and present following pictures. In the top part there is a light beam which moves from top to down and slowly shines the person, a neck, and shoulders, hands with warm, equal and pleasant light. In process of beam movement wrinkles are smoothed, pressure in the field of a nape disappears, folds on a forehead are weakened, "fall down" eyebrows, eyes "are cooled", clips in corners of lips are weakened, shoulders fall, the neck and a breast are released. The light internal beam creates appearance of the new quiet, confident and safe person.

«My house» («my room») - for realization of this exercise it is necessary to sit down, relax and start to build in imagination the favorite house or a room with a kind on small river, lake, wood or somewhere else. Arrange it as you want, present the favorite armchair. Remember it and mentally leave in it to have a rest at any time within day. "Having stayed" in it of 5-7 minutes, you will feel inflow of forces.

Wonder: «I can take what lesson from this situation to be prepared (oh) to similar cases in the future? How I can get a self-trust if I will face a similar case again» Such approach will help to be released from negative emotions as will learn to arrive competently in similar situations and to avoid stress.

Here we have listed some methods. Choose the most comprehensible to itself. Their regular use will lead to that the anger and irritation will leave you, and a conflict situation and the opponent can seem the insignificant. They will help you to pass productively through crisis and to feel more counterbalanced and quiet.