Sunday, June 29, 2008

Secrets of internal force.

Why one people struggles of life to bend are not capable, and others run because of them into full despair? At all abundance of the theories explaining secrets of internal force, similar, there are three main qualities allocating people and the companies which are able to adapt quickly, among the others. Presence one or two of them helps to recover after this or that vital failure, but true stability demands all three.
The first is an ability to see and accept the validity such what it is. Attentively peering into world around, we prepare ourselves for operating with such ways which troubles will allow us to go through easier. We study to survive still before in it there is a necessity.
The second ability which well adapting organisations and people possess, - ability to find sense in various aspects of life. Adherence to certain values is not less important also; in the unsinkable companies the system of values does not undergo essential changes throughout long time and during heavy times becomes for them a reliable support.
The third component of survivability is connected with ability to improvise. Art to find unusual or unevident methods of the decision of problems, not being beyond own possibilities or corporate rules, gives to its owner huge advantages.
All of us repeatedly happened witnesses of similar scenes: someone cannot believe again in the forces, having lost work, someone runs into a condition of permanent depression and for some years is unsettled after painful divorce. All of us would like to know the answer to one question. Why? In what a secret of this stability helping the person to overcome a hardship and supporting it afloat at rough ocean of a life? Why one people and the companies break under cargo of struggles of life, and others bend, but finally are straightened?
In the majority of theories with which I had to familiarise during my research, there is a rational grain. Thus I managed to notice, that practically all of them converge in three points. As them affirms, that durable people possess three important qualities. They are able to accept the validity such what it is; they are deeply convinced, that our life makes sense (a basis for this conviction often gives adherence to those or other values); they differ uncommon ability to improvise and find not trivial decisions. Presence one or two of these qualities will help you to recover after this or that vital failure, but truly high viability demands all three characteristics. This statement is fair and concerning the whole organisations. We will consider each of the listed qualities more in detail.
Ability to accept the validity such what it is
It is accepted to think, that roots of internal force lay in an optimistical sight at the world. It so but only on condition that such optimism does not lead to the deformed perception of a reality. The sight through pink glasses in an extreme situation can provoke the present accident. Durable people differ very sober and pragmatic relation to those aspects of the validity on which the survival depends. It does not mean at all, that optimism never brings advantage; for example, having inhaled in the demoralised trading personnel belief in possibility of the future achievements, it is possible to lift its working spirit essentially. However in more difficult situations it is much more important to keep cold, adjoining with pessimistic a sight at things.
You, probably, wonder: whether «Really I understand - and I accept - that position in which I am? Whether understands and whether its my organisation accepts?» It is very useful questions, especially if to consider, that, according to scientific researches, the majority of people tear away the undesirable information, trying to cope with a situation. To face the facts, not embellishing them, hardly. Really, it can be unpleasant and is sometimes painful. All the matter is that when we rather attentively peer at world around we prepare themselves for such behaviour which will allow us to go through the extraordinariest situations. We study to survive still before in it there is a necessity.

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