Sunday, June 29, 2008

Conditions of perfection and professional self-development.

Self-development of the manager is a process of the realised purposeful development of as head who includes independent perfection of the knowledge, abilities, personal and functional qualities, the competence in whole, providing efficiency of professional work. The given process represents unity of following components:

* personal development (personal growth);
* intellectual development;
* professional (qualifying) development;
* maintenance of a physical condition (improvement).

In the practical plan about professional development of the person speak when its level skill not simply somehow changes, and raises 10 times. Why one people have such changes, and at others are not present?

Professional self-development is not the mass and even not typical phenomenon because not all possess qualities which are necessary for purposeful work on self. Self-development occurs only at those who possesses necessary qualities, main from which are:

* internal motivation on professional problems, achievement of high results in their decision and motivation on itself;
* ability to self-development;
* understanding of the maintenance and methodical bases of self-development.

Efficiency of self-development of the manager depends and on external factors:

* organizational and socially-psychological conditions of professional work, in wider context - from corporate culture of the enterprise;
* availability to it of modern information systems, and also readiness to work with them;
* methodical maintenance of conditions of professional development.

Thus, that the manager was engaged in self-development, it is necessary, that at it were:

1. Internal motivation of professional work;
2. Ability to self-development.

Are thus necessary certain level of literacy of the manager in questions and self-development methods, and also presence of the specified external organizational-methodical conditions.

It is necessary to notice, that there can not be a self-development without aspiration to carry out the office functions effectively and qualitatively. Therefore the first diagnostic sign of the spontaneous manager is its relation to work.

Motivation on professional development. Level of activity of professional development is defined by structure of motives of labour activity of the manager. If internal motives take dominating positions in this structure or, even better, one of them is leading motive it provides motivation of the manager on self-development. If leading motive is one of external motives and in structure of motivation of the manager on positions dominating there are no internal motives, it is possible to speak about absence of motivation on professional self-development, self-improvement.

Formation of motives and change of structure of motivation of professional work - process difficult and long. Therefore it is impossible to generate quickly at the manager motivation on self-development if it is not present in structure of its motives. Presence of the given motivation is one of the main professional qualities of the manager capable independently to promote and become successful in process of transformations.

Abilities to self-development. Development of the person of the manager occurs thanks to a variety of kinds of its activity and interaction to other people. But most actively it occurs when versatile professionalism is supplemented with purposeful self-development. Abilities to self-development the same as also motivation on it, all managers possess far not. However unlike motivation ability to self-development can be generated and developed quickly enough.

The basis of ability to self-development is made by abilities:

* to see the lacks and restrictions;
* to analyze their reasons in own activity;
* critically to estimate results of the work, and not only failure, but also especially successes.

The given abilities are simple and clear, but not all managers possess them in a sufficient measure, and to generate them independently difficult. Therefore for creation of preconditions of self-development to the manager the special training which volume is individual for everyone is necessary to pass.

Ignoring of development of managers, characteristic for the domestic enterprises, leads to that abilities to professional self-improvement of the majority of heads pass a long way of natural maturing.

Presence of motivation and ability to self-development testifies that the manager does not require any more external guardianship of the professional growth. He is capable to make the maximum efforts completely to realise the internal potential of professional development and to reach the successes corresponding to it.

Only the competent manager in these questions can estimate real possibilities and choose a correct direction of the development. Possibilities are reflected in problems of development which the manager puts before itself. Problems can be real or unreal. Real they appear when correspond to achievements available to the given moment. We will admit, the manager costs on the fifth step of a ladder of the professional development. For it the following step on the sixth step or even on the seventh (is quite real at not ordinary abilities and superefforts). If the manager, being on the fifth step, thinks, that it on the seventh, and tries to step at once on the tenth it testifies about unreal its actions. For example, not owning effective communicative skills, he cannot learn to organise and effectively to operate group activity. Such manager does not understand the real possibilities. Inadequate estimation of the professional and human qualities - a way to a neurosis, instead of to success in professional growth.

In the substantial plan there are three directions of professional development.

The first - formation of abilities and qualities which at the manager are not present but which are necessary for it. It, of course, the difficult problem, and without the aid of advisers, and its trainers not to solve teachers. But the organised efforts in this direction of self-development can give the most appreciable effect.

The second - development of available positive abilities and qualities which can be strengthened if them to improve purposefully. It most an easy problem which with success is solved by many managers without the external help, of course, from those who realises it.

The third - elimination of lacks and the restrictions reducing efficiency of activity of the manager and stirring professional growth. It is rather difficult problem, the help of trainers and advisers is necessary for its decision for the majority of managers.

The self-development way when the manager works over itself at once in three directions is theoretically most effective. But in practice such way to carry out it is impossible. Work in any of these directions is difficult and psychologically difficult problem.

Perfection conditions

If to ask a question to the director of any enterprise about conditions for self-development of managers most likely it is possible to hear in the answer: «And unless special conditions are for this purpose necessary? After all this self-development. Who wants, that and is engaged. To be improved, training apparatus, a sports hall or any equipment are not necessary to the manager. He can be engaged in it at home in an armchair, on a sofa or on work behind a table». Actually, of course, all is not so simply. For self-development are necessary both certain conditions, and certain resources. Two most important groups of conditions concern cultural and personal which are to a certain extent interconnected.

Condition 1. The organizational culture in the form of the developed traditions, norms and valuable orientations can stimulate and support the initiative of workers in self-improvement, and can to block it completely, on the contrary. For example, to the first, and the innovative culture concerns the second - bureaucratic.

Condition 2. Bosses can be an example of the spontaneous innovator, and also an example of the cautious conservative. Dominating style of a management of the company plays exclusively important role in this question. If it stimulates participation of managers in discussion of problems of the enterprise, supports the initiative, shows interest in personnel attraction to the decision of actual problems, essentially does not reject risk and does not object to criticism of a traditional order, the favorable moral and psychological environment for self-development is created.

For the decision of the given problem it is important to any manager to have some resources also.

The first of them - time for employment by self-development. The second resource - access to the information. The third resource - methodical security of industrial conditions, i.e. A set of actions, uchebno-training technologies and training programs which the manager can use for the professional development. It is a question not about obligatory for all actions or courses of improvement of qualification, and of programs which are offered interested workers of the company. The manager who is engaged in self-improvement, chooses from an offered set only that considers for itself useful and necessary that corresponds to its requirements and plans of professional growth.

Creation of conditions and resources for self-development, of course, demands defined, sometimes considerable, financial expenses. For the heads, inclined to save on the personnel, it is necessary to notice, that the company in which there are spontaneous managers, has serious potential of growth; the company in which the quantity of such managers constantly increases, is perspective; the company in which the majority of managers is engaged in self-improvement, is already trained organisation. Therefore creation of organizational conditions and resources for self-development of managers represents the effective form of investment of the company in own development.

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