Sunday, June 29, 2008

In search of sense.

Ability to see the validity such what it is, is closely connected with the second major component of internal force - ability even during the hardest times to find sense that occurs. Any of us had to meet people who, having got to a trouble, upraise hands to the sky and question: «As such could happen with me?» Such people consider themselves as victims and do not take lessons from the gone through tests. At the same time people from high internal force find a constructive element in the sufferings and by that fill with the maintenance the life and a life of associates.

According to the majority of the researchers, similar "creation" of sense - a way with which help durable people construct bridges between the present with its burdens and deprivations and fuller, happy future. Such bridges help to cope with difficulties, not allowing them to break itself. This thought was perfectly formulated by the Austrian psychiatrist, former prisoner Osventsima, Victor Frankl. In the conditions of inhuman mockeries and sufferings he has thought up «treatment by sense» - a humanistic technique which helps people to make the decisions giving the importance of their life.

In the book «the Person in search of sense» Victor Frankl has described turning point of the life in a concentration camp with which the invention of "treatment by sense» has been connected. Once, going for work, Frankl tried to solve, whether to change last cigarette on a soup flat dish. Him disturbed, that it is necessary to work under supervision of the new supervisor known for especially refined sadism. The melancholy and disgust have captured it from thought, and senseless his life became how much empty. Frankl has realised, that to survive, it needs to find any purpose. And it has made it, having presented, as after war lectures about psychology of a camp life to inform to people that, through what to it was necessary to pass. And though Frankl has not been assured at all, that it will manage to survive, it has put before itself some specific targets. Having arrived thus, Frankl has managed to rise over the sufferings. In the book he writes: « Never it is necessary to forget, that the meaning of the life can be found even in the most desperate situation, when it is impossible to make anything to change the destiny ».

Theory Frankls is taken as a principle the majority of the modern programs devoted internal force of business.

So far as ability to find sense so is important for internal force, it is no wonder, that the most successful organisations and individuals possess distinct system of fundamental values. Their presence fills existence by sense as they help to comprehend and supervise an event. Hardly it is possible to consider casual that circumstance, that the most durable organisation in the world has appeared the Catholic church which exists more than 2000 and could go through wars, decline and heresies, in many respects thanks to system of immutable values. The commercial organisations, differing longevity, also have the certain arch of principles; the purpose of their activity is not reduced only to earning money.

The systems of values accepted in the durable companies, do not undergo essential changes by years, and during hard times they serve the organisation as a support. It is not necessary to mix, however, religious visions of words of "value", "credo" or "prime target" with that substantial filling which these words receive in each concrete case. The company can profess rather disputable values from the ethical point of view and thus to be exclusively viable. We will recollect at least Phillip Morris, showing amazing жизнестойкость even in the conditions of growing unpopularity. As marks, at Phillip Morris there was extremely steady system of values, let even someone and does not divide them, - for example a principle of "a mature choice». However there are no doubts that the company top management firmly trusts in these principles and this belief allocates Phillip Morris from a general series of other tobacco companies. Thereupon pertinently to notice, that from the point of view of morals internal force it is impossible to consider neither as positive, nor as negative quality. It only ability not to be broken in stressful and quickly varying conditions of existence. As Victor Frankl wrote, «only those who after many months of wanderings on camps has ceased to show scrupulousness in struggle for a life as a whole could survive; they were ready to go on any means - fair and not so, and at times and frankly severe... To rescue itself. We who has managed therefrom to return... We know: best of us remained there for ever».

Values, positive or negative, are actually more significant for internal force of the organisation, than presence in staff of hardy people. If capable employees to adaptation differently interpret surrounding validity, their decisions quite can contradict each other, that quite often calls into question into an organisation survival. If weakness of the company becomes obvious, the most flexible employees is more likely left it, than will threaten own well-being.

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