Monday, July 7, 2008

Self-control of an emotional condition through external displays of emotions.

The person knows, how his face depending on inwardness varies; in known limits it can give to the person the expression corresponding to a situation. It is necessary to look in usual conditions at itself in a mirror not hurrying up and it is attentive, and then strong-willed by to give it expression of the person in the counterbalanced condition as under the feedback scheme can work the mechanism of stabilisation of mentality.

At the moment of action of intense factors, at emotional pressure growth it is necessary to start self-checking questions:

* As my person looks?
* it is not held down () whether I?
Whether * my teeth is compressed?
* As I sit?
* As I breathe?

If intensity signs are revealed, it is necessary:

1. Any way to weaken muscles. For a relaxation of mimic muscles to use following formulas:

* Face muscles are weakened.
* Eyebrows are freely dissolved.
* the Forehead is smoothed.
* muscles of jaws Are weakened.
* mouth muscles Are weakened.
* language Is weakened, nose wings are weakened.
* All person is quiet and is weakened.

2. It is convenient to sit down, become.

3. To make 2-3 deep breath and an exhalation, to "bring down" the speeded up breath.

4. To establish a quiet rhythm of breath.

Exercise «transformation Art»

Rise before a mirror and attentively consider the person. Then as much as possible stretch mouth corners («a mouth to ears»), as much as possible extend lips a tubule. 10-15 times are necessary to do these receptions. Further it is necessary to execute some tasks:

* to Smile to itself in a mirror, attentively to consider the smiling face; to pay itself a compliment: «What it pleasant and lovely». To present the most pleasant, joyful vital event, once again to smile.

* to Recollect any unpleasant event and to console itself in a mirror in "a consolatory smile» («All will be good!»).

* to Present a picture of gloomy day of late autumn, to like sensation of this grey and melancholy day. To consider the person: as it looks, what mimicry. Then gradually to change an imagined picture for summer midday with the bright sun and a fine landscape, to present this picture as it is possible more brightly, in detail to "consider" it. To pay attention, how the mimicry as it corresponds with an emotional condition has changed.

* to Represent before a mirror different conditions - concentration, surprise, boredom, discontent, condemnation, bewilderment, afflictions, a rage, puzzlement, tendernesses, pleasures, pleasures, delight, pleasure. To facilitate to itself a problem, it is possible to recollect corresponding episodes from a life, to say aloud the remarks corresponding to the imagined situation (to watch the internal sensations). To repeat these receptions some times and to analyse the condition.

* to Choose one positive emotion, in which in the previous exercise it was possible most easier. To cause unpleasant emotion... And as soon as there will be a sensation of filling by unpleasant feelings, to be switched to calling of positive emotion. To do it it is necessary some times successively, gradually accelerating. In the same way it is necessary to work various negative emotions.

In a daily life the given exercise can render the effective help at normalisation of an emotional condition in a sharp emotional situation if skill of calling of desirable emotion is finished to automatism. For this purpose pleasant emotion should associate with concrete memoirs - "anchors" (thoughts, images, sensations), allowing to restore the necessary condition quickly enough.

Exercises for a relaxation of face muscles

Let's result some principles and rules which are the general for all similar exercises:

1. The problem of exercises - to give the chance to realise and remember sensation of the weakened muscle by contrast with its pressure.

2. Each of exercises consists of two phases - initial (pressure) and the subsequent (relaxation).

3. In an initial phase pressure of the selected muscle or group of muscles should accrue smoothly, the finishing relaxation is carried out sharply.

4. Slow pressure of muscles is accompanied by a slow deep breath. A relaxation synchronously with a free full exhalation.

5. Exercise fastening can be executed in several receptions within day. They should not be carried out directly ahead of a dream as muscular pressure possesses exciting action.

6. Each of exercises repeats 2-3 times.

Carrying out the specified exercises, it is necessary to aspire to that muscles not exercised at present have been weakened. To breathe follows exactly and easy, through a nose. The attention is necessary for concentrating to a condition of exercised muscles. It is simultaneously important to achieve bright representations and sensations together with a relaxation and pressure of various groups of muscles.

1. «A surprise mask». To close eyes. Simultaneously with a slow breath as much as possible highly to lift eyebrows, to say about itself: «forehead Muscles are strained». To detain for a second breath and with an exhalation to lower eyebrows. (A pause of 15 seconds.)

2. "Blind-man's-buff" - exercise for eyes. With a slow exhalation softly to lower eyelids. Inhaling air, gradually to increase pressure of muscles of eyes and, at last, to screw up them as if soap has got to them, to blink as it is possible more strongly. To say about itself: «Eyelids are strained». Then - a second delay of breath, a free exhalation and a relaxation of muscles of eyelids. Leaving eyelids lowered to say about itself: «Eyelids are weakened».

3. "Indignation" - exercise for a nose. To approximate wings of a nose and to strain them as though you it is very strong something are revolted, to make a breath and an exhalation. To say about itself: «nose Wings are strained». To make a breath, on an exhalation to weaken nose wings. To say about itself: «nose Wings are weakened».

4. «A kiss mask». Simultaneously with a breath gradually to compress lips as though for a kiss, to finish this effort to a limit and to fix effort repeating: «mouth Muscles are strained». For a second to hold the breath, with a free exhalation to weaken muscles. To say: «mouth Muscles are weakened».

5. «A laughter mask». Hardly to blink eyes, on a breath gradually to smile so widely, how much it is possible. On an exhalation to weaken intense face muscles. To repeat exercise some times.

6. «A discontent mask». With a breath gradually to compress a teeth, densely to close lips, to draw in muscles of a chin and to lower mouth corners - to make a discontent mask, to fix pressure. To say about itself: «Jaws are compressed, lips are strained». With an exhalation to weaken face muscles - to open a teeth. To say about itself: «Face muscles are weakened». After some training in a relaxation and fastening of corresponding conditioned-reflex communications with verbal formulations easily it is possible to weaken all mimic muscles under «the mental order».

Technics of performance of a relaxation of the person («a relaxation mask»)

The essence of a technique consists in a serial relaxation of mimic muscles, since forehead muscles. Thus eyelids fall, all face muscles are smoothed, the person becomes a little sleepy, languid, indifferent. Eyes are closed, the bottom jaw slightly falls, as if tries to say a sound "che-e-ese", and language slightly nestles on a teeth as if is going to tell "yes".

In such pose 4-5 minutes are recommended to stay to remove the raised psychological stress or simply to have a rest. It is possible to carry out exercise of 5-6 times a day and it is desirable to combine it with easy massage of face muscles, before development of "mask" or after.

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