Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Appeal self-giving.

Appeal too is a management subject. And if superiority self-giving is not always important for the person appeal self-giving is important for everyone.

Appeal signs expenses of the person for the appearance, that work which should be carried out for creation of certain external shape can be. We will specify, which work is necessary for creation of the image. Perhaps it is work on getting of a fashionable dress, effort on creation of a modern hairdress. Probably, everyone intuitively understands, that (the clothes, a hairdress) in itself not strongly "play" separate elements of its shape in sense of appeal. We will tell, the fashionable clothes in itself, contrary to a popular belief, "work" not on appeal, and on superiority demonstration is more often. But if these fashionable clothes go to us, i.e. we spend time for selection of clothes not only by criterion of a fashion, but also by criterion of conformity of clothes to our data we for certain will look more attractively.

So, a rule of self-giving of appeal very simple: not the clothes in itself do us more attractively, and that work which is spent by us for its reduction in conformity with the external data.

Often, facing to a mirror, we do not suspect that not only we make toilet, but also we strengthen an error under the appeal factor: all is self-giving, after all the more we will like, the is better on all parametres we will be estimated. Certainly, it is not necessary to think, that appeal self-giving always increases its estimation. There are situations when self-giving serves another - to error decrease. When the beautiful woman «not so watches itself» - hardly brushes the hair less often, does not give special attention to that carry are too not that other as self-giving, in this case is attempt to lower an appeal error.

On supervision of sociologists, it is much more difficult to beautiful women to construct strong happy home life, than less beautiful. It is connected with an error of appeal which in some cases so is great that leads to obvious revaluation of the woman on all parametres - to mind, economy, etc., that quite often does not prove to be true in marriage, and the disappointed men are inclined to blame the spouse that it "has deteriorated". And it only insufficiency of self-giving and influence of an error of appeal. Therefore decrease in this error at dialogue with the future husband - very important problem. And in much more simple situations it is useful to be able to reduce error action. The weight of situations demands it: reception of visitors - «the mistress should not be more beautiful than visitors», another's wedding - «the bride should eclipse all beauty», passing an examination to the woman-teacher - what for to distract it? In all these cases appeal self-giving too is made, but only "on the contrary" - there are less than expenses, it is less than attention to itself, etc.

Continuation in a following post.

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