Friday, July 11, 2008

As the thinking influences health.

People spend a large quantity of money and time, trying to prolong the life and to make its more healthy and active. They read the newest editions devoted to questions of health, swallow of vitamins, eat healthy food, run and visit aerobics clubs. We apply a large quantity of efforts, trying to avoid stresses to lower cholesterol level in blood, to clear the corked arteries, to raise capacity of lungs, to avoid consequences of an overeating and atmosphere pollution. But I am assured, that the way of our thinking influences health much more, than any of these factors.

You can sceptically concern such statement. How something can so intangible how thought, to influence such dense matter how a body? However the psychosomatic medicine from this proceeds. Certainly, not all illnesses have a psychological origin. Illness can overtake you without dependence how you think, feel and operate. Nevertheless the way of your thinking can essentially influence health in two quite proved ways.

First, the thinking influences quantity of worried stresses, and secondly, it defines the behaviour concerning maintenance of health.

It is quite obvious, that if you eat is better, train more, enough time give to a dream, avoid smoking and other drugs and accept safety measures from venereal diseases, you considerably increase the chances of health preservation. If your thoughts influence health in these two basic moments, from here follows, that increase of constructibility of thinking can improve your health.

As thoughts influence your body

Why heart fights faster when it is necessary to act in public? Why we redden, when we test confusion? Why our muscles strain, when us ask to make something, what it is not pleasant to us? Why the cat curves a back, shows a teeth and hisses, when it is threatened with danger?

Emotions switch on psychological reaction as preparation for certain actions. When you are frightened, your body will be mobilised for flight; when you are angry, your body will be mobilised for an attack; when you are in a depression condition, your body will be mobilised (or will get demobilise) for evasion from active actions; and when you are happy, it will be mobilised for hyperactivity.

If you could estimate a condition of your organism during the moments of strong excitation would note changes occurring simultaneously: pressure of muscles, tachycardia, salivation reduction, sugar and adrenaline emission in blood, increase in coagulability of blood, outflow of blood from integuments, in particular on hands and feet. The last explains, why skiers fearing descent freeze more than self-assured.

All these reactions have developed in the course of evolution to prepare an animal for actions in critical situations. The speeded up breath and palpitation give the chance to you to operate more vigorously. Pressure of muscles will mobilise them for intensive loading. Sugar emission in blood gives immediate inflow of energy, and adrenaline receipt raises activity of other important systems. During danger your organism does not require energy inflow to the bodies of digestion delivering energy «long action»; during such moments fast inflow of energy is necessary to you. Increase of coagulability of blood and its outflow from a body surface reduce loss of blood in case of wound.

Influence of thinking on physiological processes so is great, that there is no necessity to prove it by means of the difficult labware. Everything, that for this purpose is necessary, - attentively to look at itself. When you are excited - for example, before performance or the important examination, - your fingers become colder (can check up it, having put hands to temples). You can become covered cold then and feel dryness in a mouth (because salivation - a part of digestive process which stops at this time). Often it is possible to note changes of a rhythm of palpitation and breath. You can notice also, that as a result of muscular pressure coordination of movements has worsened and you not in a condition to spend an equal line. And all these changes are called only by disturbing thoughts. Think differently, and reactions will calm down.

Thoughts can call not only fear, but also anger together with physiological reactions peculiar to it. Pay attention, that when people become angry, their body strains, movements become sharp, a voice loud, the person reddens and sometimes hands and a teeth is compressed. Than such stimulation of all body is called? It only the thoughts called by interpretation of someone's words (which in itself are only expression of thoughts).

Someone has told something, that is has made the sound waves, which in itself are harmless until they will not be interpreted by the person to whom these words intended. Right after it in its brain there will be reciprocal thoughts such: «As he dares so about me to speak! I will force it to take the words back that it costed to me!». These thoughts call the intensive emotions supplemented with corresponding physiological reactions. If you have got used to react thus, be assured, that subject the organism to fair loading and do to it much bigger harm, than your opponent.

Propensity to redden at confusion is well appreciable physiological reaction called exclusively by thoughts. When you interpret something as "shameful", blood is said directly. As though you tried to hide the confusion, everyone understands, that you think, as if have made a laughing-stock of yourself. The most widespread cases of confusion as I have found out, are called by thoughts that you have appeared at all on a kind in an awkward kind. People seldom redden alone with themselves, in the room. It is the social reaction called by sensitivity to opinion of other people.

If thoughts and interpretations call grief or depression, muscles lose a tone, movements are slowed down, speech by time becomes such silent and deprived all intonation, that she is difficult for understanding. These physiological reactions prepare a body for passivity and inactivity - to the conditions called by thoughts on feebleness, hopelessness and weakness.

Influence of consciousness on health and illness

We have established, that between thoughts and emotions and between emotions and physiological reactions there is a primary close connection. In this connection it would be strange, if thoughts did not influence in any way our health. The example is an influence of mood and emotional conditions on sugar level in blood at the people, suffering a diabetes. Regulation of level of sugar in blood depends not only on the balanced diet, exercises and insulin injections. Irritation, stress, conflicts to associates and sudden changes illness of kidneys or sight loss can call sudden change of level of sugar that can lead to a diabetic coma and chronic complications, such as infringements of job of heart.

In representation about the nature of psychosomatic frustration there is nothing imagined. Psychosomatic frustration - not so imaginary illnesses. These are the real physiological infringements called or aggravated with tightened stress not adaptive way of thinking can be which reason. The psychosomatic medicine does not deny influence of other factors, such as a heredity, a food, physical overloads and the toxic or infected environment, but adds to them psychological stress, as one more important factor influencing illness. Psychological factors, as well as any others, can influence in different degree health (or illness) each concrete person.

Numerous researches confirm, that the way of thinking can influence a physical condition of the person. It is quite proved, that the people inclined to pessimism, having the low self-estimation, considering, that them the events perceiving difficult situations with fear operate, not having in the vital luggage of considerable achievements, the others is more often suffer from headaches, illnesses of a stomach and a backbone, than. Besides, the people thinking destructively, are constant clients of medical institutions.

How the constructive thinking improves health

Researches give more detailed representation about how the thinking influences health.

As a rule, owners of constructive thinking inform on smaller quantity of usual painful symptoms, than representatives of destructive type. They suffer from respiratory infections, skin illnesses, a diarrhoeia, pains in a stomach, headaches, locks and pains in a back less often. Those students who differed good constructive thinking, addressed for the help in a student's polyclinic much less often. Besides they have been more satisfied by the health, got to dangerous situations less often, passed employment through illness and had less problems connected with an overeating and a drug taking and alcohol, - the certificate of that they conducted more healthy way of life.

It is not surprising, that among components of constructive thinking management of emotions associates with a susceptibility to widespread painful symptoms more closely. Those who badly consults with the emotions, inform on much bigger quantity of symptoms, than people emotionally counterbalanced.

Personal superstitions also make the big impact on health problems. It is probable, this results from the fact that personal superstitions are closely connected with depression. These facts confirm my belief that the basic link between destructive thinking and physical illnesses - negative emotions.

The thinking influences health also in some other way - by means of the influence on style of a life and the relation to health. Well organised people also suffer from painful symptoms though and concede emotionally counterbalanced a little less. Nevertheless they even supervise such destructive behaviour, as an overeating is better. The disorganised people cannot cope often with a habit to a gluttony because of bad self-discipline.

This relation between destructive thinking and an unhealthy way of life quite clearly. The people having a low self-estimation, convinced that they in any way in a condition to affect the life, or the deprived aspirations to the perspective purpose (examples of destructive thinking), are not inclined to care of themselves. To what these efforts if I all the same the utterly worthless person and my actions can change nothing?

The people thinking destructively, can not go for years to the dentist, not care of a high-grade food, it is not enough sleep and not be engaged in physical culture. They are inclined to search for short-term pleasures and ignore long consequences that leads to drunkenness, smoking, a narcotism, a chaotic food and unreasonable risk, such as neglect protective means at sexual contacts. And when such behaviour leads to illness, they can be not able to undertake constructive actions to increase chances of recover

As the constructive thinking influences illnesses of heart and a cancer

The most dramatic proofs of influence of negative thinking on health are connected with "illnesses-murderers" - warm and oncological diseases. Here we again notice, how certain forms of destructive thinking, calling corresponding emotional conditions, promote occurrence of certain illnesses. The strong and long anger can raise risk of disease of cardiovascular system. Feebleness and depression, on the other hand, can weaken immune system, having made the person to more subject infectious diseases and, probably, to a cancer. In both cases all constantly collect new that proof, that the constructive thinking not only can help to prevent risk of disease, but also is effective auxiliary means at its treatment.

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