Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Self-giving receptions.

Two persons participate in dialogue at least, and each of them can actively influence perception of the partner. The matter is that the partner with which we communicate, it not passive object of perception, and the live person having the purposes, the representation about character of interaction, and the main thing - capable decisively to affect how we will see it. This ability of "intervention" of live object of perception in process of formation of the image at the interlocutor also is called as self-giving. In essence self-giving, a self-presentation consists in management of attention of the partner.

After all it is valid, when we look, for example, at a tree our attention depends in general on us: if at us bad mood, we pay attention to ugly outgrowths on a trunk, and if good - that on green foliage. And the tree not in a condition itself to operate our attention - it cannot "cover" an ugly place with branches. Unless the bird who sat down on a branch and has started singing the song, can involve us, but here there is no tree merit. When we perceive the person, all differently. Everyone can operate attention of the partner - to put on the bright clothes, any parts of a body to open for a review, and any to close, something in the behaviour to underline, and something to shade and thus to create as though hierarchy of signs of the image - «here on it pay attention first of all, and here then on it, and now look here...» . And it is final, for this purpose not only it is not necessary to know psychology, the attention theory, for this purpose it is not obligatory even to understand, realise, that you do. Management of attention can involuntarily be made with the same success, the self-presentation can sometimes be absolutely irresistible.

It is enough to recollect the delight concerning "magic" of conjurers which are able to pull out at you from a pocket egg which there never laid. But after all it is known, that a huge share of skill of the conjurer - ability to operate attention of an audience: in time to distract, in time to direct it where follows.

Probably, each person though time was interested in it makes what impression on others, i.e. him excited, what result is given by its self-giving. And this result is always connected with formation of complete impression. Self-giving is a control facility attention of others, but not its purpose. After all is not the purpose simply to draw attention to eyelashes or to a flush is only means for creation of a desirable integral image. Usually at interaction the person it is free or involuntarily this or that accent which he puts in self-giving expects, that, will cause not only and not so much attention to itself, how many will lead to disclosing of many other things of the parametres necessary for a complete image. So, having seen on a lapel of a jacket of the interlocutor a badge «Master of sports» (accent of self-giving), we are inclined to attribute to the owner of a badge of property which, in our opinion, are inherent in sportsmen (physical strength, calmness). If on a lapel a badge «Union of journalists» will attribute, more likely, the properties inherent in journalists (sociability, curiosity).

Whence we know, what details, what accents will lead to desirable impression? A basis for a self-presentation is our intuitive knowledge of the basic ways of social perception. It and typical schemes of formation of the first impression, both emotional understanding, and laws causal. Self-giving consists in ability (in most cases not realised) to direct perception of the partner in a certain way. Or this imposing of this or that stereotypic representation which should set then specific "aura" of the relation to us the partner paint it in the colour necessary to us, or this management of the partner in close interpersonal dialogue which leads to fuller and exact mutual understanding, those reasons and motives which seem us corresponding to the validity or it is simple for some reason or other the favourable. Management of perception of the partner occurs to the help of attraction of attention to those features of the external shape, the behaviour or representation about situation which "start" corresponding mechanisms of social perception. In the first impression and in other situations of intergroup dialogue are those signs which are connected with this or that scheme of perception; in interpersonal dialogue is an accentuation of the certain moments in dialogue, in other situations - representation of certain causal schemes. We will consider them by turns in following posts.

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