Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Superiority self-giving.

Superiority self-giving to be successful, should lean against some objective signs, superiority signs - clothes, a speech and behaviour manner. But as self-giving is a management of attention of the partner it is very important besides that these hooks at self-giving have been really appreciable, accented, underlined, allocated.

For example, the fashionable youth clothes of one person will influence on associates and to increase an error only in the event that it will be considered against unfashionable clothes of the others. When all are dressed equally this factor will not work. And among «» it is necessary literally «to pursue a fashion» to support representation about itself at desirable level. The superiority is often shown through cost, colour and clothes silhouette. These parametres also should be somehow underlined, allocated for superiority self-giving.

If it is necessary for us to hide the superiority, we should take care of the return. When the very young girl puts on the strict dark grey suit, everyone understands, that it goes not on dances so, for it it is extremely important to underline the status: probably, it the deputy, the teacher, the head; in all these cases it should hide a youth, to accent some importance. The same girl on a party will be in a fashionable and modern dress is already other self-giving, that «I in this case mean same as all», - among visitors on a party all is dressed fashionably and modern, it is allocated with nothing. When the student, gathering for examination, borrows a strict tie at the friend, he, most likely, aspires to overestimate slightly the status, i.e. operating the perception scheme under the superiority to strengthen influence of corresponding representations. If the well-known professor, gathering for the same examination, puts on jeans and a sweater, it, using the same scheme, tries to make in self-giving the return - to reduce, weaken a superiority error to improve interaction with students.

Superiority self-giving has very much great value for professionals of dialogue - heads, lawyers, teachers. They, as a rule, know about it, but not always understand concrete ways of achievement of success. For this reason in many countries of the world there are advisory firms which help to "put" the necessary self-giving. Work of the adviser is based on thin knowledge of how in concrete conditions of certain social group representatives of other groups are perceived and as they "should" look that their activity was successful. In following two examples from the book of J. «Clothes for success» it is well visible to T.Molloja, as it becomes.

One firm specialising on financial calculations, has applied to help the perspective employee. This woman has excellent ended university and was the leading tax adviser of firm. It perfectly coped with work until was engaged directly at offices of the firm. As soon as it has passed to consultations in firms of clients, affairs have sharply worsened: employees almost completely ignored its councils. The author writes: « When I have seen it, all became clear. It was the pretty blonde growth of 1 m of 50 sm, is powerful 42 kg. In the 26 years it looked on 16. I have decided it to force to look strict and serious, how much it was possible with its tiny figure. On service it began to carry a dark suit and a white blouse contrasting with it, an easy silk scarf and a hat with fields. Points in a dark frame were essential addition. Clothes change has brought success. Now clients listened to it yours faithfully and attention, its councils were accepted as supervising. Now this woman occupies higher position in firm ».

However not each woman should turn, regenerate for success from a fallow deer in a barracuda. The second example: «the Woman who is engaged in the conclusion of trading contracts. Tall, a strong constitution, it has begun the career in the north of the country, after moving to southern states continued to carry dark suits and the big attache-case. Its affairs in the south of a steel to go worse, though any changes, except geographical as though has not occurred. After consultation it began to carry suits of light tones and easy female bags. It was enough that it became softer," to the south "and is more respectable. As a result she has achieved the success satisfying and it and firm».

In these examples clearly enough it is visible, that self-giving is under construction not in general, and according to the concrete stereotypes occurring at certain groups.

If to show the superiority clothes simply enough superiority accentuation in a manner of behaviour is more difficult. A superiority sign here is independence behind which those or other infringements of norms of dialogue disappear. For example, the causing behaviour of youth serves to underline a manner of behaviour the superiority. Who did not hear in public places too loud laughter of the young companies, the underlined use either not clear, or obscene words. It after all a way of self-giving - only through independence in behaviour (in this case - in speech). Certainly, - a sign of low culture in dialogue, and it it is necessary to overcome such behaviour in the course of education and self-education.

Continuation in a following post.

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