Sunday, July 13, 2008

Praise to nonsense 3.

8. Trust, but check

We are mistaken where more often, than it seems to us, especially if we are absolutely assured of the correctness.

So often, that sociologists even have put into circulation the new term - a superconfidence syndrome - and have illustrated its action on set of examples. They set to people some question, and then asked respondents to estimate degree of their confidence of each of answers from 0 (is not assured) to 100 % absolutely assured).

What has occurred?

15 % of all answers of which respondents have been absolutely assured, have appeared wrong. So, as though you have been assured in something, in 15 % cases you are mistaken.

Results of this research can find at least three important applications for those who is engaged in planning. First, try to consider this 15 %-s' error in the business, reveal those areas where errors are constantly committed, and correct them.

The second, always call into question all decisions. Even if you are absolutely assured, you are not right more often.

And at last, do not allow another to influence the decisions and do not accept the point of view of the one who is assured more than others. Many people use confidence as belief means because they aspire to an individual victory. Some of them can be fair in the opinions, but honesty is completely not identical to correctness.

If you or someone in something is completely confident, call it into question.

9. Avoid perfection

Better a titmouse in hands, than a crane in the sky. We will reflect, whether probably all to us to agree and strictly to define, what there is "best"? What is the time will occupy discussions?

Even if possibility to agree exists, what is the time it is required to finish business and to receive this "best"? Whether probably in general quickly and effectively to reach it?

Business planning usually submits to "the Rule of the beginning of business»: all will manage twice more expensively and will demand twice the big time expenses, than it was expected. Whether you can dare to spend so much time and money?

Whether you are ready to offer something in other areas - a working environment, productivity, speed of delivery, - to reach the highest results in one?

Whether actual and potential clients will apprehend these efforts the same as also you? Whether it Is pleasant to them? Whether all is equal to them? The given change is how much important for them?

Aspire to excellent result, but not to perfection.

Skill wins perfection.

10. Be careful of common sense

One of heads entering into the list «Fortune 500» the companies somehow has come out with the assumption that in marketing there is nothing difficult for he leans against common sense.

But what such "common sense"? Albert Einstein has made once such definition: «the Common sense is a set of biases which we get on reaching eighteen years». Historian Barbara Tachman (Barbara Tuchman) has devoted to the story about searches of the answer to this question the whole book. In the work under the name «The March of Folly» («a recklessness March») it has described five legendary nonsenses, switching on and delivery to not numerous group of Spaniards of army Montesuma, and the Grecian horse.

The common sense is capable to save you from some errors. But on what it precisely is not capable, so it of inspiring you on break. The common sense has no relation to great marketing innovations: neither to commodity checks, nor to addressing depositary certificates, to delivery of parcels for one night, to a vodka advertising campaign «Absolut».

They were created by sudden inspirations, imagination splashes.

The common sense can be useful, but breaks demand imagination.

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