Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The director of own life.

In us there lives «the person of a habit» and «the person of will». Each of us to some extent is «the person of a habit» or «the person of will». On the one hand, habits facilitate our life, and with another - complicate it. «The person of a habit» automatically makes not only intellectual operations, but also social, in many cases and physiological. For example, I do not think: «Here now I need to allocate adrenaline and sugar as they will be useful to me for metabolism strengthening if business ends in a fight»; business is much easier. It is enough me to be adjusted on fight, «as the person of a habit» will perform the job on mobilisation of all immune system. These "habits" of physiological and biochemical levels developed during millions of years of evolution, have allowed the person to improve this ancient mechanism of a survival.

Display of "the person of will» is ability to do that is necessary. However «the person of will» who sits in us, can represent silly force which can force «the person of a habit», or clever force which can operate it. It in many respects depends on the got ability to operate the mind, to supervise movement of own images.

«The person of will» subordinates «the person of a habit» through knowledge. To subordinate a habit, it is necessary, at least:

* first to learn to operate certain stimulus-images (starting images). Any habitual action is usually automatically called by image-stimulus (seeing a smile - we smile in the answer; the football driven to feet calls desire to strike on it; the cigarette kind calls the smoker desire to light, etc.). That is why wishing to develop a habit should first of all be able to develop images-stimulus to action;

* secondly to be guided by a rule: prompting to action should be anticipated by satisfaction it. Any action does not arise in itself, and, as is known, always has a definite purpose and gives certain satisfaction. The anticipation of this satisfaction also is that necessary element creating prompting to action;

* thirdly to learn to co-ordinate functioning elements of action. Any action can be regulated meaningly. The given process becomes a habit only in that case when it not will automatically repeat so much, how much to be realised functionally.

Thus, conscious mastering by the mental mechanisms set forth above will promote habit development, its gradual submission to consciousness and will. It means, that «the person of will» subordinates «the person of a habit» through knowledge. That is why the knowledge also is force.

To make a habit conscious - means to learn to operate it. When we do not realise a habit she as though does not submit to us and works in itself, but through us. So any habits - both good and bad, and mental mechanisms of development of those and others - identical function.

The actions based on knowledge, always are more effective. It is correct, because they (the actions based on knowledge) much faster turn to skill. That is why, when it is necessary to develop at itself useful habits, first of all it is necessary to know: as ordinary actions turn at first to skill, and then and in a habit. Besides, more effectively to train itself in certain desirable actions and to transform (at desire) them in a habit, it is necessary to know deeply at least training organic laws.

Basis obuchenijachemu-or are experiences. By psychologists it is established, that any experience does not pass completely. At experience there is an information coding in long-term memory by means of certain molecular changes in a brain. Thanks to it in memory practically the information connected with that or other strong experience forever registers. Thus, for obuchenijachemu-or there should be an experience (i.e. the emotionally-sensual sphere of the person should be involved). In cases of pleasant experience images are filled with the same pleasant feelings, at unpleasant experiences - negative: disgust, alarm, trouble. After all it is correct, that we are indifferent to a drill, but only before the first visit to the dentist.

To eliminate skill, it is necessary to seize a method of its repayment. To study in something it is easy, to be retrained much more difficult. We will try to understand it on several acquaintances to us since the childhood examples - original paradoxes of a life. How to explain, for example, what, once having learnt to float, we never forget how it becomes? And why, having studied foreign language, we can forget it very quickly? Many are convinced, what is it occurs because, that the material does not repeat. Than then to explain that fact, what many images of the childhood are saved for all life though we never repeat them? And on the contrary, repeating repeatedly some information, we are inclined to forget it. To explain these paradoxes it is possible psychologically. Experts made the following experiment. Two rats have been trained to press the lever to receive food. This skill at both became identical. Then one of rats has been placed in other cage, and at remained in a former cage have disconnected the lever, i.e. by pressing the food did not appear. Psychologists have waited, that at both rats reaction of pressing of the lever in a hunger condition has completely disappeared. Animals thus continued to feed usually. Then the first rat have returned in a former cage with the lever. The rat, all time sitting in it, did not aspire to use the lever, this skill at it has disappeared. However the come back rat indifferently has used it, i.e. this skill at it was saved. Skill non-use in this case experts have named its repayments, and process has been named by repayment.

Repayment is understood as situation repetition in which there was a learning, but without an emotional reinforcement. From here follows, that for habit disappearance it is necessary to create the repayment scheme, i.e. to reproduce a situation of training without the major element - corresponding experience. It is already easy to explain, why images of the childhood are saved in memory for a long time, - because children's situations so, and the repayment scheme does not work do not repeat. Every time when we float, does not arise situations of negative fastening of this skill as swimming we fix positive experiences, and it stirs possibilities of repayment of the given skill. We forget foreign languages because the repayment scheme is objectively created: in daily dialogue we speak Russian, and necessity for foreign dialogue disappears. Foreign skills are repaid literally in each certificate of conversation, they are not fixed in speech behaviour by certain semantic experiences. To return this lost skill, it is necessary to join again in a real situation from conversation on a foreign language and corresponding experiences.

Thus, in a situation of elimination of any skill repayment laws operate. Having learnt them, it is possible to seize ability to neutralise practically any skill.

Negative habits will be eliminated, if we cease to receive from them pleasure. Elimination of bad habits always is a part of job on management of desires. Only receiving displeasure from actions of a negative habit, it is possible to get rid of it. The negative habit will die away, if is not poured by energy of positive feeling and satisfaction.

Struggle against unnecessary habits consists not in violence over them or by itself, and in creating a situation of repayment of a negative habit under the influence of the unpleasant feelings generated by it. This idea is simple, but as psychotherapeutic practice shows, its realisation is inconvenient to the person as, first, process of disposal of a negative habit turns for many to struggle against it, and it already violence, so, result as a result of, as a rule, zero. And secondly, getting rid of bad habits, we have not time to think thoroughly over that, their what good habits to replace.

To operate a habit - means to operate the experiences connected with it.

Negative habits should to be suppressed, it is necessary to get rid of them. Any action which the pleasure gives, can arise spontaneously, even under the influence of the weak impulses generating this pleasure.

It is not necessary to forget, that the law of origin of good and bad habits is identical is a pleasure which generates action of this or that habit. Therefore management of processes of origin and development of habits is reduced to management of the experiences connected with actions of a concrete habit.

Each of us to some extent and «the physiological person», and «the person of a habit», and «the person of will».

Hierarchy in each of us of levels of these "people" is shown that «the person of a habit» has higher level, than «the physiological person», and «the person of will» on the importance and force costs above «the person of a habit». It is necessary to train each of them the methods. «The person of a habit» is formed in huge degree under training laws and if this process not to operate he is capable to win «the person of will». It will be possible because it - in the union with physiology. And «the physiological person» in comparison with others - the most ancient as it was formed by means of a genetic code during an order of one and a half millions years.

Continuation follows.

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