Monday, July 14, 2008

Plan the failures.

Sooner or later you will face failure which becomes for you serious test for durability. Your error can lead to loss of very important client for your company. Your wrong dialogue with the leading worker can force out this person. Your decision to enclose organisation resources in highly risky, but with the big prospects business can end with serious troubles.

Prevention of problems and planning of possible accidents go a hand about a hand. Weighing all possible consequences of your actions, you can avoid problems or, at least, reduce their consequences.

Do not suppose occurrence of problems

Planning of emergencies works especially well if you wish to prevent occurrence of the problems arising during public statements and presentations. We advise to unbalanced people who should act, in advance to solve as they will react to the various unpleasant moments, such as presence in audience of the person, liking to set tricky questions, breakage of technical character (for example, lag of the Internet during computer demonstration) or the annoying reservation in performance.

Overcome unforeseen circumstances

Before to start the project or to go on the thought over risk, ask the instructor or the colleague to whom you trust: «That can be the most bad?» Then add to the offered variants an own worst variant of the scenario. Now, when you to the full understand character of possible dangers, wonder: «it is good, what further?»

Having done similar exercises, you can make a plan of action at occurrence of extreme situations and in advance undertake safety measures that the possible damage was minimum. Having presented, that in your life of the head there was the most awful nightmare of an administrative sort, you can in advance and easy when you have enough time, to predict the actions.

The best way to avoid problem occurrence - carefully all to plan: the less than place you leave to accident occurrence, the it will be easier to cope to you with any possible surprises which at such approach any more will not be for you too unexpected.

The correct person, correct job

Developing strategy for each worst case, you get confidence of the forces. You approach to a problem easy, knowing, that even if there will be any failures, they will not distract you from an ultimate goal.

The plan of action at occurrence of unforeseen events also is justified when you operate the personnel. Though you define for each operation of the employee, to the greatest degree to it corresponding, always there is a probability of occurrence of defects. It, as a rule, happens, when the manager advances employees on official positions for which they do not have not enough skills, knowledge or preparation. And without them it is impossible to become successful. Having developed the plan on a case when the employee stumbles on a new post (for example, having distributed a circle of duties of one person between two employees or having passed a part of difficult duties to external structure), the manager will be more confident to feel in not planned circumstances.

Along with planning of actions on a case of unforeseen situations, the clever manager can specially allocate time to work with the employee, which have just appointed to higher post to bring him up to date.

The managers, constantly facing problems, it is not simple losers. In most cases they bear the basic share of responsibility for it.

You become a magnet of troubles, if at you bad communication skills and abilities. Too long, too loud or too sharp conversations also can affect negatively your relations with colleagues and subordinates. Protect itself from failures of this sort, having tried to get rid of three communication traps (are allocated in frameworks).


Here four most important words which will help you to prevent occurrence of interpersonal problems: at first think, then speak. Instead of at once spreading everything, that has come to you "to a head, think, in what it can result. Before you will express sharply, imagine a situation in 5 minutes. What direction was accepted now by conversation? Whether both parties positively react to it? That you have told now, becomes an occasion to the subsequent words, therefore be convinced, that your statements work for the blessing and help achievement of an object in view by you.

Do not create problems, interrupting speaking on the offer middle, especially if you start to speak something which are not concerning the basic theme of conversation. Allow to the person to finish a phrase, and then wait it is a little more. At the expense of a pause you as though give a signal to another, that are not going to to anybody to impose the opinion.

Hasty operating managers can wrongly accept impulsiveness for resoluteness. They believe, that it it is necessary operatively and to make vigorously of the decision, to give estimations and to define a situation instantly, therefore all the day long they quickly move on office, giving one behind another orders and orders. Certainly, resoluteness demonstration if you have enough the facts allowing you quickly to come to a substantiated conclusion, is quite possible. But know, that you are too impulsive, if speak or operate, not weighing the future consequences of your words and acts.

Before you will begin the important conversation in which course there can be problems, set to yourself following questions:

* That it is necessary for me to learn from this person?
* I should set What questions? (Make the list of these questions that you have forgotten nothing!)
* On what basis of assumptions I will have this conversation?
* As I can check up accuracy of what I have heard?

Approval reception

If you constantly try to meet with approval from others thereby you inform them, that they wish to hear, instead of that it is necessary for them to know. And it serves very much as a fertile field for occurrence of problems.

Clever managers leave arising conflicts without "holes", operating fairly and is thin. They care of that them liked less, and try more, that to them trusted. Ask them, that underlies their dialogue with the employee, and they will tell: «I wish to achieve mutual respect», instead of «I want, that we became friends».

Would be naive to believe, that your personnel will approve all your actions and decisions. It is excluded. Even most your best intentions will be exposed from time to time to the sharp criticism. But while you will direct attention of each employee to achievement of overall aims and to inform, how it is possible to achieve them, you will enhance the responsibility each person for its actions and to a lesser degree to think of that, how much your instructions are accepted or criticised by subordinates

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