Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ways of self-control of an emotional condition.

At each person at intense emotional conditions the mimicry varies, the tone of skeletal muscles, tempo of speech raises, there is a fussiness leading to errors in orientation, breath, pulse, a complexion change.

The emotional pressure most likely will begin to decline, if the attention of the person is switched from the reason of anger, grieves or pleasures on their external displays - a look, tears or laughter etc. It means that emotional and physical conditions of the person are interconnected, that is why possess ability of interference. Therefore, probably, statements are equally lawful: «We laugh because to us cheerfully» and «To us is cheerful because we laugh».

1. Muscles

Most simple, but effective enough way of emotional self-control - a relaxation of mimic muscles. Having learnt to weaken obverse muscles, and also any way and meaningly to supervise their condition, it is possible to learn to operate and corresponding emotions. Than earlier (on time of occurrence of emotions) joins the conscious control, especially effective it appears. So, in anger a teeth is compressed, the look varies. There is it automatically, reflex. However it is necessary to "start" self-checking questions (whether «a teeth is compressed?», «as my person looks?»), and mimic muscles start to relax. Only preliminary training in a relaxation of certain muscular groups on the basis of verbal self-orders is necessary.

It is especially important to manager to seize skills of a relaxation of mimic muscles to apply them in need of professional work situations. Exercises for a relaxation of face muscles switch on tasks for a relaxation of this or that group of mimic muscles (a forehead, eyes, a nose, cheeks, lips, a chin). Their essence - in alternation of pressure and a relaxation of various muscles that it was easier to remember sensation of a relaxation by contrast with pressure. Exercises are carried out at an active orientation of attention to phases of pressure and a relaxation by means of verbal self-orders, auto-suggestion. As a result of repeated repetitions of these exercises gradually in consciousness there is an image of the person in the form of a mask, as much as possible free from muscular pressure. After such training it is possible easily under the mental order during the necessary moment to weaken all face muscles.

2. Breath

The important reserve in stabilisation of the emotional condition is breath perfection. Strangely enough, not all people are able to breathe correctly. Not inept breath plays last role and in fatigue. Having concentrated the attention, it is easy to notice, how breath of the person in different situations varies: differently breathe sleeping, working, angered, cheered up, become sad or frightened. Apparently, breath infringements depend on inwardness of the person that is why also any ordered breath should have return influence on this condition. Having learnt to influence the breath, it is possible to get one more way of emotional self-control.

The sense of respiratory exercises consists in the conscious control over a rhythm, frequency, depth of breath. Different types of rhythmical breath switch on delays of breath of different duration and a breath and exhalation variation. On all extent respiratory ways are plentifully supplied by the terminations of vegetative nervous system. It is established, that the breath phase raises the terminations of the sympathetic nerve which is stirring up activity of internal bodies, and an exhalation phase - a wandering nerve, as a rule, making braking impact.

Technique of performance of respiratory exercises

1. Sit down on a chair (sideways to a back), straighten a back and weaken neck muscles.

2. Hands freely put on knees and close eyes that no visual information prevented to concentrate to you. Concentrate only on the breath.

3. At performance of respiratory exercise breathe through a nose, lips are slightly closed (but are not compressed).

4. Within several minutes simply supervise the breath. Pay attention that it easy and free. Will feel, that inhaled air colder, than exhaled. Watch only that breath was rhythmical.

5. Now pay attention to that during a breath and an exhalation auxiliary respiratory muscles did not join - especially at a breath it is not necessary to straighten shoulders. They should be weakened, lowered and taken slightly away back. After a breath, naturally, the exhalation should follow. However try to prolong a breath. It will be possible to you, if, continuing a breath, you as it is possible keep from pressure of a muscle of a thorax longer. Think that is necessary now to you a long exhalation. A deep breath and the subsequent long exhalation repeat some times.

6. Now supervise a breath rhythm. After all rhythmical breath calms nerves, calming an effect has. Carry out a slow breath, being in time thus to count on the average rate from one to six. Then - a pause. Train rhythmical breath about 2-3 minutes. Duration of separate phases of breath in this case not so is important - much more important a correct rhythm. You can recollect and repeat this simple way of rhythmical breath at any time.

3. Visualisation

Effective emotional self-control is promoted also by use of receptions of imagination or visualisation. Visualisation is a creation of internal images in consciousness of the person, that is activization of imagination by means of acoustical, visual, flavouring, olfactory, осязательных sensations, and also their combinations. Visualisation helps the person to make active its emotional memory, to recreate those sensations which he has tested once. Having reproduced in consciousness images of an external world, it is possible to distract quickly from an intense situation, to restore emotional balance.

Visualisation version are exercises of "subject imagination», the colours based on deliberate use and spatial representations of consciousness of the person. Conscious representations are painted in the necessary colour corresponding to the modelled emotional condition. Colour possesses powerful emotional action on nervous system. Red, orange, yellow - colours of activity; blue, dark blue, violet - colours of rest; green - neutral. Colour (temperature, sound) it is better to supplement sensations with spatial representations. If it is necessary to calm down, have a rest, it is necessary to represent wide, open space (sea horizon, the spacious sky, the wide area, an extensive hall of theatre etc.) . For organism mobilisation on performance of a responsible problem images of close, narrow spaces with the limited horizon (narrow street with high houses, gorge, a close room) help. Use of the given receptions together allows to call a necessary emotional condition during the necessary moment (quiet - spacious sea coast, a winter landscape in lilac twilight; invigorating - a summer beach the bright sunny day, the blinding sun, bright yellow sand). It is necessary to get used to a represented picture, to experience it and to fix in consciousness. Gradually there will be a slackness and rest condition or, on the contrary, activity, мобилизованности.

When there are extreme situations, they call pressure long before collision with them. Therefore it is necessary to be prepared for them. The First step to success in any undertaking is psychological installation on success, absolute confidence that the purpose will be reached. It is necessary to accustom itself to success, good luck, to make her itself understood, habitual.

"Inspiration" exercises consist in "rehearsal" of an intense situation necessarily in the conditions of success, with use of colour and spatial representations. Specifications on performance of such exercises consist in the following:

* they are carried out more often in the morning, sometimes - in the afternoon, but never for the night;

* the attention training rigidly concentrates from the big and average circle of attention (wide, spacious premises) and quiet colour representations (blue, dark blue, violet tone) to a small circle of attention (narrow, close premises) and invigorating colour tones (red, yellow, orange colours) or, on occasion, to the internal;

* performance of exercises is accompanied by a musical reinforcement: in the beginning exercises quiet, smooth music is used, then gradually musical rhythm is accelerated.

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