Sunday, July 13, 2008

Praise to nonsense.

This article represents you perfect alternative to study on own errors: study as mine.

1. Forget about the future

Once experts asserted, that telecommunication distribution will lead to a world peace establishment, disappearance of accent at inhabitants of the American South and to basic changes in realisation of surgical operations.

And according to writer Herbert Wells, phones should lead to movement normalisation in city streets as necessity of concentration of a labour for large cities will disappear.

The inventor of phone Alexander Bell has appeared hardly probable not further all from true, after all it considered the offered novelty as the device for transfer of musical concerts.

Conversation possibility between being for thousand kilometres from each other people was already obvious, but accuracy of predictions has not raised at all. The telephone companies considered, that passing voices devices will be used only for business negotiations. And if someone would like to call the friends simply to chat? Absurdity, time waste. Such be simple cannot.

As though we got accustomed to a certain subject, we are not capable to expect its future precisely.

It is not necessary to adhere your planning to assumptions of the possible future as the death and taxes are inevitable only. Leave all assumptions for the sake of one, but invariably fair: people will be always ready to pay the money that is necessary them to liking. Plan to create something, that is pleasant to consumers, and the future will place all in the places (as it always and occurs).

Plan within the limits of that you are really capable to foresee: that people will grow fond.

2. Stop up - yes, stop up - ears

Authors of the big textbooks for years learnt us, that a condition of creation of innovations is ability to listen and hear consumers.


Every day wishes leaning on stated clients the American manufacturers carry out those or other changes. But on the conservative estimates, 85 % from them are simply useless, and introduction of some leads to opposite planned results.

Widespread council «attentively listen» is based on the erroneous assumption according to which people say that they think. It hardly. Many of us say often only that will allow us to present itself in more favourable light. And in the opinion of researchers spending interrogations too. Almost anybody from interrogated people does not admit that he abuses alcohol, will not give the truthful information on the expenses. Thousand cinema halls sobbing in darkness over a film «On an outcome of day» («The Remains of the Day») men in words persistently insisted on that, what is it a silly film for little girls. And only few of fans of cookies «Twinkies» frankly admit the predilection.

The second error which conceals in itself council «attentively listen», consists that people realise what exactly they want, and are capable to express the desires correctly. When we try to comprehend ourselves often we are at a deadlock and we understand, how the rights was Karry from a serial «Sex and the City» («Sex in the big city»), reflecting in the second series of the third season:

«Isn't that so, it is strange, what we know all about the friends to trifles, but resolutely we understand nothing in to ourselves?»

We are confused. Many people of all age try «to find themselves», but find - rather seldom. Karry and F.Nitsshe were right:

«All our life - the riddle, and the greatest secret are we for itself».

To listen to wishes of consumers it is necessary, but from shares of healthy scepticism.

Throughout several decades psychologists assert, that words only mislead us. Where the information received by us by means of bodies of sight is more truthful. «The life proceeds at level of events, instead of words», - well-known psychologist Alfred Adler has told somehow.

Trust only to real events.

Will suffice to listen, look. To break through all protective layers to the latent human desires, peer more steadfastly. Become the researcher in full sense of this word. Learn to look at usual things so that to see hardly more than all the others.

Stop up ears and address in sight.

Continuation in a following post.

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